My Immortal Fel
Book Two and Three Info
Originally, "My Immortal Fel" was a short story that Missa Fire wrote during a sleepless night. After showing the story to a handful of friends, she was encouraged to flesh out the story. As she diligently worked out some kinks and replaced them with fun ones, the story took over all of Missa's spare time. With every keystroke, Missa is not simply writing a story anymore, she is watching her characters and writing up the incident reports.
Why Is Book Two Taking So Long?
The Cover
The cover is 98% done. We are in love with the cover design for Book Two as it matches Book One, but is better. Although we are sure that the cover will not change between now and publishing, we would like to wait to reveal it until closer to the release date.
Missa and I designed a few different sets of rings to be used on the covers of connecting series. So "My Immortal Fel" has a set as well as the additional stories from around the world of Kive.
Oh dear, I've said too much...
The Story
The story is 100% complete! However, we are still proofreading, editing for clarity, as well as checking for spelling and grammar errors. Missa has worked hard on this story and we want to make sure that the story you read is the one she envisioned so this process does take a few months for just the two of us.
Perhaps by the next book, we will have someone else to help us out. Only time will tell.
The Formatting
This is the stage that took the longest with Book One. Missa is a writer and I am a reader. We are not technologically inclined. Formatting a whole book took us some trial and error. But hopefully, this time goes smoother and by the third book, we should be pros at formatting eBooks and prints.
It is true that there are companies out there that would format the books quickly for us, but we have decided to attempt to do as much as we can on our own. Between tutorials and reader feedback, we are going to get this!
Self Publishing
Missa made the decision to self-publish after speaking to a few publishers. All of them wanted her to change something about her story to make it more advertisable. However, she is stubborn and refused to change anything other than a few names and interesting grammatical choices.
Making this brave decision has most likely caused more headaches for her than she expected. But you can rest assured that the story you get, is the story she wanted to tell.
My Immortal Fel, is an erotic series, filled with wild erotic scenes, tender moments of intimacy, and emotional moments that show the good and bad of the world. Just as Missa intended.
When Can We Expect Book Three?
The Short Answer
Book Three should be ready to go about three or four months after Book Two is published.
The Long Answer
When Missa completed Book One, we rushed to figure out how to truly self-publish and made many mistakes. In order to make sure we are doing it correctly, we have decided to take each step one at a time instead of attempting to tackle the whole project at once.
We are just two people who each work full and part-time jobs on top of publishing these books. As I am sure you can tell by now, we are determined to get this done to the best of our abilities. Currently, we are editing Book Two and as soon as we finish, we will go on to edit Book Three. This is so that we can more easily maintain the same flow through each book.
After Book Three has its first edit, we will go ahead and finish Book Two. Then, we will finish the edits on the third book before publishing it. Please bear with us as we try to get "My Immortal Fel" out in a timely fashion.
Depending on our financial situation upon publication of Book Three, we may have to take some time off from this project. Even if we have to step away for a little while, there will be more books to come!